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Killshot - Elmore Leonard Does it get any better than this? Killshot...five stars not because of this being my tribute to the passing of Mr. Leonard but it deserved five stars on its own. Great book, per usual from Elmore Leonard.

photo ap_elmore_leonard_ss_ml_130820_ssh_zps39c5f709.jpg
Elmore John Leonard, Jr. Picture Taken September 17, 2012

My tribute read for Elmore Leonard, RIP.

Born: Elmore John Leonard, Jr.
October 11, 1925
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

August 20, 2013 (aged 87)
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States

From Wiki: Leonard often cited Ernest Hemingway as one of his most important influences, but at the same time criticized Hemingway for his lack of humor.

Mr. Leonard wrote more than 49 books, numerous screenplays, TV series including Justified and adapted his books to so many movies we've seen and recall fondly. My personal favorites were Get Shorty and Out of Sight.

Two Goodreads friends have been personally touched by his passing; Col from UK and Mohammed from Sweden both being longtime fans and I'm sure feel as though they knew him personally. My condolences to both my friends.

And let me add, my very good Goodreads friend and neighbor, Remy, who loved Elmore Leonard, as well.