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Flags of Our Fathers
James Bradley, Ron Powers
Paul Levine
The Lady in the Lake - Raymond Chandler I am so glad that I started reading Chandler (and Marlowe) from the first book otherwise I would have put this one down.

I was about half way when I decided to read some reviews on Kindle to see if I was missing something and sure enough, there were others who felt similar to me, that it wasn't 'up to snuff' with the last two books.

The writing was great alright but the story was so convoluted it was difficult to keep up with. The ending seemed to be like all these loose threads conveniently gathered together to tie a nice little package. It seemed somewhat conveniently contrived.

Must say though that there were two characters who really captured my imagination which helped me move forward...the drunk whose wife is found drowned and the local sheriff. Both were colorful and added a lot to the story, thank goodness.

Just a caution to those who have never read Chandler: read from the beginning, don't begin with this book first otherwise you won't be too excited to read the others which are wonderful in all ways...writings, descriptions of place, storyline and characters.

Hope the next Chandler is as great as the earlier ones.